heal your body, find your balance
Facts About Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a complete healthcare system of Traditional Chinese Medicine over 3000 years old.
There is a growing body of evidence based clinical research confirming the efficacy of acupuncture as a useful intervention for numerous illnesses. |
A Little About Me
I am a UK trained practitioner with over 17 years of clinical experience.
I offer acupuncture to support a wide range of disorders including infertility, conditions of pregnancy, pain management, psycho-emotional difficulties and chronic conditions. |
Book An Appointment
Click the button below to book & manage your appointments online.
Alternatively you can call between 8 am and 9 am any weekday morning except for Wednesdays. Tel: +254 724 567 652 WhatsApp: +254 703 899 022 |
During A Treatment
Most people are not sure what to expect when coming for their first acupuncture session.
This section answers common questions about treatment including how to prepare and what to bring. It also provides information on what will happen during a session. |
Location And Directions
My clinic is in New Muthaiga Shopping Mall, Thigiri Ridge Road, on the 2nd floor.
I see patients Monday to Thursday strictly by appointment only. Home visits for bedridden patients are available by prior arrangement. |
I believe in an integrated approach.
This means that I strongly encourage you to take advantage of the numerous resources available to help complement your acupuncture treatment, empower you to take control of your health and achieve lasting, long term results. |
Tara Manji, MBAcC
Kenya Ministry of Health Authorised Practitioner |
© Aculibrium Acupuncture 2016